Flamencoföreningen i Skåne
Mötesplats för flamenco aficionados sedan 1997
Kurser - workshops
Informationen nedan är skickad till föreningens mail.
Om ni vill uppdatera er information, lägga till bild, hemsidor etc så måste ni skicka det till oss, eller till ansvarig för hemsidan, Bengt Backlund, friskapa@hotmail.com
Aktuellt: Höstens kurser 2024 med Ewa Flycht
Flamencokurser med Ewa Flycht
Helsingborg -Privata kurser, varannan måndag. Endast mellan-svår nivå.
Start Månd. 2 sept. God Flamencovana krävs. För intresse och anmälan sms eller mejl, se ovan.
Kurser med Jossette Reilly
Starting in FEB 20 | V8
Make sure to check the specific dates for classes per course or level.
Registration and + info: jossettepr@gmail.com.
Event by Jossette Reilly Dance.
Mixed Level. You must have flamenco classes experience and have acknowledge of basic flamenco footwork, arms, turns and hands coordination.
TIME: 17:00-18:30
PLACE: Ungdomens hus. Studio 11. Entrance through Torpsgatan 21.
Feb 20, 2 - Mars 5, 12, 19 & 26 - Abr 2, 16, 23 & 30 - maj 7 & 14
For Package discount of 12 classes payment must be received by Feb 19.
12 classes of 90 min - 2 500 kr (cost of package with discount included)
Try out - Drop in - 250 kr
- TUESDAYS Absolute Beginners
Introduction to flamenco dance for students that have NEVER done Flamenco before. This class will focus in the basic use of hands and arms coordination plus language and use of footwork.
TIME: 19:00-20:00
PLACE: Danscentrum Syd. Bergsgatan 29. 2nd floor. Entrance is next to Inkonst Teater.
DATES for Absolute Beginner Level
Feb 20 & 27 - Mars 5, 12, 19 & 26 - Abr 2, 16, 23 & 30 - maj 7 & 14
12 classes of 60 min - 1 950 kr (cost of package with discount included)
Drop in – 200 kr
- THURSDAYS Choreography SOLEA X BULERIAS Int/Adv Level
This solea x buleria choreography is a continuation of the autumn program. We will begin with new material to add on. For example “Escobilla and letras”
This level is for students with several years of prior knowledge, fast pace and personal responsibility.
TIME: 19:00-20:30
PLACE: Danscentrum Syd 2nd floor. Bergsgatan 29.
DATES for Solea x Bulerias:
Feb 22 & 29 - Mars 7 & 28 - Abr 4, 11 & 18 - maj 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30
12 classes of 90 min - 2 500 kr (cost of package with discount included)
Try out (1st class) = 250 kr
10:00 (50 mins class) Flamenco for KIDS CLASS. Ages 6 +.
11:00-12:00 - Basic Level.
Students must have 1-2 semesters of prior knowledge. This course is also intended as the continuation of Tuesdays Absolute Beginner course. We will keep working footwork and body technique in 4 or 12 count compas. Flamenco shoes are necessary.
12:15-13:15 - Mixed level of basic & Intermediate Level.
It is the ideal class for students that are doing choreography classes with a minimum of 3-4 semesters of experience and is also suitable for those who have danced many years before but who want to work with more basic exercises in order to have more time to strengthen, work on movement quality and expression.
PLACE: Danscentrum Syd 2nd floor. Entrance is next to Inkonst Teater.
Saturday DATES: Feb 24 - Mars 9 & 23 - Abr 6, 13, 20 & 27 - maj 4, 11 & 18 -
Jun 1 & 8
For Package discount of 12 classes payment must be received before Sept 9.
12 classes of 60 min - 1 750 kr (cost of package with discount included)
Drop in - 200 kr.
Kontakt: jossettepr@gmail.com
Kurser med Trinidad Choquet de Isla Llamas
Plats: Lund
Flamencokurser i dans och sång med Trinidad Choquet
Canta conmigo. Sjung med mig!
Lär dig sjunga på spanska i kör. (Tangos, Sevillanas och Rumbas)
Anmälan: lareina3africa@hotmail.com /Tl:0793-534497
Kurser med Rigoberto PascalElias
Arnhems Dansstudio i Malmö. Se Facebook.
Danskurser, privatlektioner, gruppaktiviteter.
För information och bokningar: dance@latinoyflamenco.com
Kontakt: Trini Choquet lareina3africa@hotmail.com
Ewa Flycht: 0416-30787 mob. 0706-474917
Jossette Reilly, Malmö, jossettepr@gmail.com
Anki Cederholm: 0761 87 60 00, annkatrin_cederholm@hotmail.com
Trini Choquet: 0793-534497, lareina3africa@hotmail.com
Rigoberto PascalElias: dance@latinoyflamenco.com
Sabina Bokhari 070-7774441, Malmö: Medborgarskolan
Yasmin Bokhari, Malmö, yasminflamenco@gmail.com
Timjan Blanck, Lund, timjanblanck@hotmail.com
Ulrika Selring Alba, Malmö, ulrikinha@gmail.com
Teresa Tomašević, Malmö, teresatomasevic@hotmail.com
Nidzara Dellien, Lund, nidzara.dellien@gmail.com
Irene Pelayo Lind, Malmö. 070-8140747 irene.pelayo@gmail.com
Yasmin Bokhari, Malmö. yasminflamenco@gmail.com
Timjan Blanck, Lund. timjanblanck@hotmail.com
Trini Choquet, Lund. 0793-534497, lareina3africa@hotmail.com
Johan Påhlsson, johan.musiker@hotmail.com, 0733-608010, Malmö
David Kappelmark, Malmö. david.kappelmark@hotmail.com
Olle Pelayo Lind, Malmö 070-8140747 olle.einar.lind@gmail.com
Björn Åberg, mob. 073-5661665, Malmö
Jens Rönn mob. 0733-20 12 10, Malmö
Pierre Engström, Svarte
Patric Brymell 040-6119226, Malmö
Claes Ottelid 040-6111889, Malmö
Bengt Jönsson, Harlösa. bengt@kungsmarken.info
Rolf Nilsén 046-2119065, Malmö. rolfnilsen59@hotmail.com
Stephan Jarl, Malmö 0733 562037
Petter Wallentén, Lund 070-622 98 49 (även percussion och saxofon)
Irene Pelayo Lind, sång - Olle Pelayo Lind, gitarr, munspel.
070-814 07 47 Malmö. info.aytarara@gmail.com Se mer info här:
Yasmin Bokhari, Malmö, sång/dans.
yasminflamenco@gmail.com Se mer info: